jANUARY 14, 2022 - SUCCESS STORY: A young college student when he was only eight years old lost his father. Then he lost his mother three years later. He was an orphan living on the streets in Hyderabad when Amanvedika brought him into one of their boys Homes. He received food, clothing, healthcare, and education as part of Amanvedika’s shelter program. The young man attended advanced classes at special schools due to his ability to learn quickly. He came in ‘state first,’ an highest honor in college during a nationally conducted exam at the end of an Inter degree (equivalent of 11th and 12th grades in the USA). His was a success story since irrespective of several hardships, the young man joined a prestigious engineering college. There is a lot of promise for him to become self-sufficient with a potential to help others. Arundhati Jayarao, a patron of Cherish, has been supporting him financially throughout his college years.
Please join Arundhati and others who have been contributing towards Cherish’s cause to ‘Reach out and Transform the world’ by sponsoring students’ education in India as well as in the USA!
PLEASE NOTE: The identity of the student has been withheld to protect their privacy.
Regards, Cherish team