FEBRUARY 28, 2021: SRINIVAS RAO BAKSHI, BELOVED FATHER of Usha Chatty and Smitha Ramakrishna along with Rambabu Chatty remembered him fondly on the anniversary of his passing. Mr. Bakshi was a hard working person and loved his family. In his honor the girls at the Medibavi Home, Amanvedika received special meals. A message based on Mr. Bakshi's values was passed on by his family, "Always work hard and do your duty towards elders and family, and you will have achieved the purpose in life."
Usha and Smitha have visited the girls at the Medibavi Home and spent considerable time. The girls appreciated the care and concern shows by them. It is this type of consistent attention that is needed for the underprivileged girls and boys, and women to become self-sufficient.
Please 'reach out and transform the world'! Regards, Cherish team
